28 day Self-Love Project

The '28 day Self-Love Project' is a series of daily practices. Including; daily journal prompts, affirmations, worksheets & more.

28 day Self-Love Project 28 day Self-Love Project 28 day Self-Love Project Goals & Good Vibes
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What you will learn?

28 day Self-Love Project overview
28 day Self-Love Project overview Free class!

Hi! Welcome to the 28 day self-love project! I'm so excited to be a part of your self-love journey!! 💜✨ I've created a series of worksheets, journal prompts, daily affirmations, and a self-care challenge for you to complete over the course of 28 days so you can take action on your journey of self-love and become to best version of yourself. 

I don't make gaurantees for success. You will get out of this self-love project what effort you put into it. So make sure you commit to doing these easy practices that will leave you with a better understanding of yourself & a deeper love for yourself! 


There is also a facebook group that i encourage you to join where I share daily quotes and more. The link for that is below! 

Goals & Good Vibes

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Bonus worksheet overview Free class!

I wanted to add some bonus worksheets that you can either use at your convenience or use alongside the 5 daily practices we will already be doing. 

They are just some things i've learned and come across on my own self taught self-love journey that I think could be beneficial to others..but instead of just reading we will be DOING 💪 

I am willing to be there every step of the way to help you, or answer questions..

email me at : goalsgoodvibes@gmail.com

Join my Facebook group 'Goals & Good vibes' where you can find more inspiration and quotes and tips and easy recipes:

Goals & Good Vibes

The link to my blog is:Http://goalsandgoodvibes.blog

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28 days of self-love journal prompts
Self-Love journal prompt #1

Write a love letter for yourself to read at a time you're not quite feeling like the best version of yourself- to remind you how amazing YOU are!

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Self-Love journal prompt #2

It's easy to focus on what still needs done, but focus on what you have accomplished today!

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Self-Love journal prompt #3

We all have insecurities, but if it's something we can't fix, we might as well accept it! Nobody is perfect! And that's okay! You're the only you there is!

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Self-Love journal prompt #4

Think of the nicest compliment someone has ever given you...even if you didn't believe them or take it gracefully.

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Self-Love journal prompt #5

What are 3 things you admire about yourself? If it takes you awhile to think..think about your eyes light up when you smile, or how you hold the door for strangers..

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Self-Love journal prompt #6

Self-love can be a hard concept to grasp for some.. What does it mean to you?

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Self-Love journal prompt #7

When you're on a journey of self-love, it's important to put your needs first and say no sometimes!

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Self-Love journal prompt #8

Find one self-love practice that works for you and make it a daily habit! 

You can find some ways to practice self-love on my blog at:


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Self-Love journal prompt #9

Describe your perfect day from your perspective..

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Self-Love journal prompt #10

A self-love affirmation practice!

Say it with meaning & believe that it's true!

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Self-Love journal prompt #11

It's important we set goals for ourselves to reach. I know when I reach a goal, I feel super accomplished. I can't be the only one!

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Self-Love journal prompt #12

We are all unique in our own ways ...what makes you, YOU?

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Self-Love journal prompt #13

What is one of your talents? Or something you consider yourself an expert on?

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Self-Love journal prompt #14

Intentionally using positive affirmations when said to yourself repetitively and with real meaning and belief, will re-form your thoughts and help you to naturally speak kinder to yourself.

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Self-Love journal prompt #15

What is something you like about who you are? 

Are you kind to strangers?



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Self-Love journal prompt #16

We all have areas in our lives that need improvement. Life is full of new opportunities to learn and grow all the time.. What is something you could improve on?

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Self-Love journal prompt #17

What are you doing in your most peaceful moment?


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Self-Love journal prompt #18

You ARE 100% worth happiness. You have to create it within yourself. Not expect others to be your only supply of happiness.

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Self-Love journal prompt #19

If someone asked one of your friends about you, what do you think their answer would be? Do you consider yourself a good friend?

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Self-Love journal prompt #20

Think of 3 things you've always wanted to do.

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Self-Love journal prompt #21

What is something you have done that you are hard on yourself for?  letting it keep resurfacing isn't helping. You have to find a way to forgive yourself and not let it define your future!

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Self-Love journal prompt #22

Financial freedom is a dream for most. Which is actually an attainable dream. It's just most don't take the steps required to get there or give up right before success. Consistency is key 🔑


But if you could buy anything, go anywhere, what would your life look like?

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Self-Love journal prompt #23

We all are reflections of what eachother are capable of.  

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Self-Love journal prompt #24

Who is someone you can go to that instantly uplifts you?

Or what activity do you do to instantly boost your mood?

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Self-Love journal prompt #25

What are some habits can you incorporate in your life that will benefit you in a positive way?

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Self-Love journal prompt #26

What is something that puts you into a state of euphoria or gives you an adrenaline rush??


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Self-Love journal prompt #27

Who is someone who always has your back?

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Self-Love journal prompt #28

When do you feel like your best self? 

What makes you feel good about yourself?

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28 days of self-love affirmations
Daily affirmation- day 1

You're so much more than you can see.

Be open to see the growth possible within yourself!


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Daily affirmation- day 2

Accept yourself in this current moment.

You're worthy NOW. Always was, always will be enough.

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Daily affirmation- day 3

The world is cruel enough. You deserve to treat yourself like you would treat a friend.

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Daily affirmation- day 4

We are all meant to grow & learn.

Learning comes from making mistakes and trial & error.

Just embrace the version of you today, while working on becoming the best version of yourself!

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Daily affirmation- day 5

We all deserve happiness. No matter if you have made past mistakes. They don't define you. If for some reason you think you deserve a bad life, please know that there is so much more out there that's MEANT for you. Embrace it.

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Daily affirmation- day 6

Each day is a new chance to start over or begin something new. We don't have to wait for monday, New Year's.. The time is now. 

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Daily affirmation- day 7

Sometimes things we can't control pop up in our lives. You can handle it! Even if it's hard.

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Daily affirmation- day 8

Our internal thoughts create our reality. 

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Daily affirmation- day 9

Our bodies do a lot for us. Be grateful for your health and your ability to be able to improve it.

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Daily affirmation- day 10

Choose yourself. Not only today but everyday. This doesn't mean become selfish.. Just keep in mind you can't pour from an empty cup and you need to take care of YOU first! 🙌

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Daily affirmation- day 11

You are perfect✨ as you are.

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Daily affirmation- day 12

The only thing standing in your way is mindset, consistency , and a plan. 📚💭

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Daily affirmation- day 13

Every day is a new possibility of growth and seeing things from a new perspective.

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Daily affirmation- day 14

Heal your past wounds.  

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Daily affirmation- day 15

Stand your ground. Don't let others walk all over you. Create healthy boundaries for yourself. You set the standard for ho2 others treat you.

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Daily affirmation- day 16

When you intentionally practice self-love and love yourself, it will help you become a beam of love & light in your relationships and friendships and in return they will want to treat you better as well.

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Daily affirmation- day 17

The only opinion of you that should matter to you is your own! Validate yourself. You don't need validation from that guy who didn't call you back or anyone who has ever made you feel bad about yourself.

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Daily affirmation- day 18

When we love ourselves, we radiate love ✨

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Daily affirmation- day 19

The habits you choose to practice regularly are what's gonna decide your general wellness, whether they are good or bad habits. If you want to feel good think about switching up some of your habits

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Daily affirmation- day 20

Eat healthy. Drink your water. Get exercise. Take care of your mental health. Make time for self-care & recharging!

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Daily affirmation- day 21

You are capable of so much and you may not even be aware of your potential. Nobody can share your same experiences, your words, your ideas.

Your voice is needed! And you have the power to change anything.

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Daily affirmation- day 22

Even if you wish to improve and grow, in this moment you are enough✨

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Daily affirmation- day 23

Usually our intuition is spot on. It knows what's best for you.

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Daily affirmation- day 24

There is so much power in your voice!

Speak up and share your thoughts and opinions even if they differ from someone else's.

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Daily affirmation- day 25

I don't claim to know your situation, but i know that there has to be something good in your life that you are grateful for and adds positivity to it.

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Daily affirmation- day 26

Whenever you're feeling like you have some kind of lack- remind yourself that life is abundant. There is a never ending supply of happiness & success for everyone!

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Daily affirmation- day 27

When you love yourself more and treat yourself better, like-minded people will gravitate towards you. What you put out into the world you will recieve back! 

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Daily affirmation- day 28

Practice personal growth daily.


One way I like to do this, is listening to a motivational podcast!

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28 day self-care challenge
Self-care challenge day#1

Set your goals and intentions of the version of yourself you want to become by the end of this project. ☺

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Self-care challenge day#2

Vision board's are really good to have in a place where you can always see it and keep focus on what goals you want to achieve in your life.

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Self-care challenge day#3

You can google an unlimited source of healthy smoothie recipies... Here is a reference below to give you some ideas 💡🍌🍓


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Self-care challenge day#4

Having a clutter free home is good for your soul and has a lot to do with your mood.

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Self-care challenge day#5

Spend 10-15 minutes outside for a refresher to breathe in the fresh air, spend time at a park, take a walk, etc

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Self-care challenge day#6

Here's a resource for a recipie to make fruit infused water:


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Self-care challenge day#7

Not only can creativity allow you to improve your self-esteem, but self-love can help you unleash your inner creativity. 

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Self-care challenge day#8

Pick up a book you've been meaning to read.

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Self-care challenge day#9

There are many podcasts out there, but I will leave my podcast Goals & Good Vibes below.

It focuses on inspiration and personal growth.



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Self-care challenge day#10

Think about that daunting task that you've been saying "I really need to get this done" and end up putting it off for days, weeks, months? 

Even if you don't finish it, atleast start it!

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Self-care challenge day#11

If you have old clothes that are in good condition but have been wasting away in your closet, put it in the donate box and drop it off at a local consignment shop.

This goes for any items you no longer like or use.

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Self-care challenge day#12

What are a list of things you want to do before you die? We only live once, so think about the experiences out there that you want to try!

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Self-care challenge day#13

Call a friend who encourages you or uplifts your soul ✨

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Self-care challenge day#14

Pick out your favorite movie, a warm fuzzy blanket,  grab some popcorn or your favorite movie watching snack and curl up on the couch for a relaxing night that you DO deserve! ☺

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Self-care challenge day#15

Create a fun playlist that will hype you up for any situation. A workout, for when you're cleaning, etc..

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Self-care challenge day#16

Sometimes it's nice to take a nice soothing bath.. Especially if you've joined one of my fitness groups and have sore muscles from working out! It's also good for a relaxing night to unwind. Light some candles. Fill the tub will bubbles or bath bombs 🛁 and listen to some soothing tunes 🎶

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Self-care challenge day#17

Here is one of my favorite resources for yummy recipies that take about 30 minutes.


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Self-care challenge day#18

Let someone in your life know how awesome you think they are. Not only will it make them happy, but it will make you feel good as well!

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Self-care challenge day#19

Write a letter to who you think you'll be in the future. Be kind. 

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Self-care challenge day#20

Splurge on something you really want!

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Self-care challenge day#21

The point of this exercise is to help you let go of all the multiple tabs going on in your mind and write down the most random thoughts that come to mind. This practice is linked to less stress and a calmer mind.

There is a worksheet in the bonus worksheet section that you can use for this challenge, but you can use it any time you need to let your thoughts out on paper!

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Self-care challenge day#22

Having an organized space is crucial for a calm feeling of peace. If you work from home you can make a cute work area for yourself with things you like to look at and make you feel good. Like a vision board for example, a candle, a picture of someone you love or something,or a pretty crystal✨

You can find a vision board worksheet in the bonus worksheet that you could use for this challenge.

If you do not work at home, it just feels better coming home to an organized, calm space to unwind after your day.

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Self-care challenge day#23

We can go a day without social media. Watch a movie, do a workout, dance, take a run, read a book, have a whole at home self spa day and be present.



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Self-care challenge day#24

Give someone a genuine compliment about something you like about them. It could make their day, ya never know If you don't try!

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Self-care challenge day#25

Quieting our thoughts can be hard. Anytime you're being mindful you're pretty much meditating, but I am going to reccomend what I've done in the past and currently on my journey of self-love which is: find a guided meditation video of your choice on YouTube by literally just typing whatever kind of meditation you want to try. Your mind will probably wonder. I just try to get back to listening and being present in my breath and the guider of the video. You don't have to know how to start meditating, but you can learn as you go!

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Self-care challenge day#26

Jamming out to your favorite songs can give you a huge energy boost and let out those happy feel good feelings. Just let your body move however feels right or good for you.. 

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Self-care challenge day#27

What is something new you want to try?

Hobbies can really help you get to know yourself and what you actually like doing. Maybe you don't have time for your hobbies and you go with the flow and do what everyone else is doing.  Make time for you regularly. It will make your soul happy. 


In the bonus worksheet section you will find a bucket list worksheet that you can write a list of what you want to do/accomplish/experience.

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Self-care challenge day#28

As we say goodbye 👋 to this 28 day Self-Love Project.. I hope that you were able to find the worksheets and activities and challenges fun and helpful on your own self-love journey. These are all things I've done and still do. Since loving ourselves is a constant practice. But like I said I can't guarantee that all your insecurities will disappear...but the fact that you filled these worksheets out and are working on becoming the best version of yourself, seems like you're willing to work for it! Which is what you have to do. 

Until it's more of a habit for you, feel free to use any of the prompts, affirmations, worksheets and everything included after this so you can continue building the habit, and continue working on yourself. Don't forget to give me your feedback as your reflect on how your experience was! Follow my blog for more inspiration/personal growth for free:


You can also email me at goalsgoodvibes@gmail.com

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Daily reflections & gratitude worksheet
Daily reflections worksheet

When you incorporate practicing gratitude on a regular basis you will see life through a different lense I'm telling you. You can transform your thoughts and how you perceive something. You don't have to focus on that job you didn't get. Maybe you're meant to find a different one that you end up liking more! You just start looking at the glass half full more often than not.


This worksheet is meant to do at night time 🌙 during this self-love practice! End your night reflecting on all the positives of your day. I ask you to come up with 3. That should be easy. Small things are big things!!! ☺

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Daily goals & mantra worksheet
Daily goals worksheet

Please print or download & fill this worksheet out for all 28 days.

You will be using the same worksheet each day as a form of accountability.

Writing down lists helps you to keep everything in order, and it can boost productivity and self esteem-  I don't know about you, but when I check off my more important goals for the day, I feel very accomplished and good about myself.

You will create your own daily mantra each day on the worksheet as well. It can be anything. There are no right or wrong mantras. You just want it to be positive and straight to the point. Something inspiring to you. Example:  "Today's a beautiful day."


At the end of this course, look back and reflect on these worksheets!💜

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Bonus worksheets
Goal-getter vision board worksheet

I created this bonus worksheet because vision boards allow us to do some self-reflecting and figure out what we want to accomplish and gives us something to look forward to. It's a great way to increase positivity, optimism for our futures, and become more self-aware.

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Self discovery worksheet

This is a prompted worksheet with questions to answer to get to know yourself better & really reflect on who you are.

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Daily feeling check-in worksheet

The feeling check-in worksheet is a daily mood tracker that you can use for the 28 days, or continue to use after. It's a good idea to take a step back and identify what you're feeling to get in touch with yourself.

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Brain dump worksheet

The brain dump worksheet is one of my favorite worksheets, because it's a shortened version of a practice I love so much, called 'morning pages' it's 3 pages of longhand writing of any thought that comes to mind. This worksheet is just one page that you can use throughout this project or anytime you need to let your thoughts out on paper. Lives can be hectic and thoughts can run rampant in our minds. Release them here.

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Bucket list worksheet

The bucket list worksheet is in checklist form, so you can write whatever you want to achieve or experience in your life. Again, it's a helpful way to get in touch with yourself and what you want out of life.

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About the course

Hi you badass soul! Welcome to Goals & Good Vibes✨💜 This is something i've been creating and pouring my heart and soul into.✨ MY goal is to make your self-love journey as fun & easy as possible with guided activities to help keep you accountable by taking ACTION, to start creating better lasting habits for yourself, and for YOU to learn to love yourself for who you are & learn to become more self aware of who you are and what you want out of life.

You will get out of this project the effort you put into these 5 daily practices. They're here to help you and so am I. These are all things I've used during my journey and think could help someone else who may be in a similar situation as me when I first decided to make a conscious decision to start loving myself. Insecure, low self-esteem, no belief in yourself. It can get better, but you have to DO the work beautiful. 💜

I'm available to answer questions or offer advice at any time🙋 Well wishes & good luck on your self-love journey! ☺ If you purchase the workshop please let me know how it goes and what some of your biggest takeaways are! I'm always looking for ways to improve and also how to better serve others with my work!

Connect with me:



Goals & Good vibes blog:


Goals & Good vibes Facebook group:

Goals & Good Vibes







More info

About the teacher

Jessica Lamb

I'm an online health&fitness accountability partner with a passion for growth & self-love

Hi everyone! ☺ I've been an online accountability partner with Bodi for a few years now and I love getting to help & work with women who are like-minded and supportive of eachother! 

I'm a self-love junkie and have been figuring out and learning new ways to 'love myself' for years.. That's when I learned that it's a continual practice. ✨



Goals & Good Vibes

Daily practices, affirmations, worksheets & more to help YOU take action & build new habits on your self-love/personal growth journey!
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